Saturday, September 28, 2013

La Vie de Victoria

I am the WORST at making decisions. I attribute it to a lifetime of people-pleasing. I will ALWAYS do what you want, even if it is my own personal definition of hell (note: please don't use this against me, mmmkay?). That's just how I roll.

When I decided to try blogging, I had the hardest time deciding on a name. In fact, this is blog # 3. Yep, #3. Mind you:

#1 was a flop- it had no direction (and has been deleted, so don't go trying to find it ;) ).
#2 was to document my trip to the UK. I stopped blogging and have just never finished (5 weeks in the UK travelling to a different place every week- I was bound to fail. There was too much to see/do!!). I may finish it for myself someday.
This brings us to #3.

An ode to "La Vie de Victoria"- this is my favourite one yet! I don't want to put any parameters on it (see paragraph #1) but I did create it with the intentions of documenting my beautiful adventure in France.

"FRANCE?!?" You may be asking, why yes! If you haven't heard the big news, I was offered a position to be an English Language Assistant in l'Academie Lille for 2013 - 2014. I will be working in Calais (pronounced ca-lay for my NB friends who spend too much time over the border ;) ).

I'm pretty excited! My contract is from October-April, but I will be staying longer. I need to see the world. This takes MUCH longer than 7 months!!

So, that explains the bilingual blog title, but you may be wondering about the "Making a difference, one starfish at a time." Were you not at my valedictory address?! Naughty, naughty blog reader! In my valedictory address, I spoke about the importance of taking steps towards making small differences in your life & in the lives of others. I based it off of Loren Eiseley's essay "The Star Thrower"

Originally, I toyed with the idea of calling it "Throwing Starfish" or "Tossing Starfish" but a quick Google returned enough results to make me rethink that. I want to be unique!

One night, "La Vie de Victoria: just rolled off my tongue. After another Google (one of my favourite verbs, refer to 4-H speech circa 2010 ish) I learned that there was just 1 blog with that name, BUT it's a private blog!! SCORE!

So friends, rest assured that you are reading a unique, one of a kind (obvi, it's me!!) blog. A catalogue of adventures. De moi à vous.

Let's begin this adventure- the next big one in La Vie de Victoria


  1. Can't wait to read the next post!!

  2. So glad you're blogging so the rest of us can live vicariously through you!
