Saturday, September 28, 2013

La Vie de Victoria

I am the WORST at making decisions. I attribute it to a lifetime of people-pleasing. I will ALWAYS do what you want, even if it is my own personal definition of hell (note: please don't use this against me, mmmkay?). That's just how I roll.

When I decided to try blogging, I had the hardest time deciding on a name. In fact, this is blog # 3. Yep, #3. Mind you:

#1 was a flop- it had no direction (and has been deleted, so don't go trying to find it ;) ).
#2 was to document my trip to the UK. I stopped blogging and have just never finished (5 weeks in the UK travelling to a different place every week- I was bound to fail. There was too much to see/do!!). I may finish it for myself someday.
This brings us to #3.

An ode to "La Vie de Victoria"- this is my favourite one yet! I don't want to put any parameters on it (see paragraph #1) but I did create it with the intentions of documenting my beautiful adventure in France.

"FRANCE?!?" You may be asking, why yes! If you haven't heard the big news, I was offered a position to be an English Language Assistant in l'Academie Lille for 2013 - 2014. I will be working in Calais (pronounced ca-lay for my NB friends who spend too much time over the border ;) ).

I'm pretty excited! My contract is from October-April, but I will be staying longer. I need to see the world. This takes MUCH longer than 7 months!!

So, that explains the bilingual blog title, but you may be wondering about the "Making a difference, one starfish at a time." Were you not at my valedictory address?! Naughty, naughty blog reader! In my valedictory address, I spoke about the importance of taking steps towards making small differences in your life & in the lives of others. I based it off of Loren Eiseley's essay "The Star Thrower"

Originally, I toyed with the idea of calling it "Throwing Starfish" or "Tossing Starfish" but a quick Google returned enough results to make me rethink that. I want to be unique!

One night, "La Vie de Victoria: just rolled off my tongue. After another Google (one of my favourite verbs, refer to 4-H speech circa 2010 ish) I learned that there was just 1 blog with that name, BUT it's a private blog!! SCORE!

So friends, rest assured that you are reading a unique, one of a kind (obvi, it's me!!) blog. A catalogue of adventures. De moi à vous.

Let's begin this adventure- the next big one in La Vie de Victoria